Why should you also like Cozycot ??
Why I love CozyCot and Why you should like it too?Note: I am addressing this to both guys and girls. Cozycot.com has all the information you need to beautify yourself up!!
1. One and a BIG thing I like about the website is simply the HOME page.
Its main/home page gives me alot of updates and links that just keep me clicking away, wanting to find out more. Below are pictures you will find on the home page.
You will find the lastest contests to win beauty products. Updates on new products and Latest Promotions in Singapore.
The pages load really fast too despite the animations and the advertisements around the website.
The pages load really fast too despite the animations and the advertisements around the website.
When you scroll down, you will find the latest blogs on beauty tips and more. A lot of information can be read off even without going on to the full details of the page!! That's why I say the main page has everything!! It's so convenient!
And.. There are so many links to the popular pages such as recommended brands.
2. Another reason to love Cozycot is the online Forum.
There are so many relevant and clear topics on beauty and Fashion. Plus, the threads are pretty much updated and pleasant to read.
Don't believe me?
Go google for any beauty advice or tips or promotions in Singapore and I bet the first few results will lead you back to Cozycot.com.
3. I just found this today. Do check out the search review!!
I am surprising at the range of product reviews they have it on the website. Really.
Firstly, the catogories are clear and the search results are not disappointing in numbers.
Secondly, the reviews are rather accurate, based on my personal opinion. Pages of the different items also display the number of people who want them in their wishlist, so as to allow others to know which products are popular.
Lastly, the pages load FAST!! Tell me that the last thing people every want is a slow webpage.
4. Lastly.. Why do I love to visit Cozycot.com? IT'S LOCAL! All that it talks about relates much to Singapore. This is unlike other fashion pages where the promotions can only be found in the States. Generally proper English is used in the forums. And the content of the webpage, including the forums, are very specific to Beauty or Fashion topics.
Come on.. Log on to Cozycot.com today!
“CozyCot.com - where beautiful minds meet”.