Thursday, December 01, 2005

Assorted Jokes from Physics, Engineering, Math, etc

If it wiggles it's biology...
If it stinks, it's chemistry...
If it does not work, it's physics...
2+2 :
So the teacher assigns to Ada, Bob, Charles and Danna to go home and figure out what is 2 + 2.
Ada, the daughter of a mathematician, asks her dad. He responds: "Well, 1 + 1 = 2. 2+ 1 = 3. 3 + 1= 4, but it can be rewritten as 2 + 2, so 2 + 2 = 4"
Bob asks his mom, who is an engineer. She takes out her HP calculator, punches in RPN the appropiate keys, and announces: "It is 4.000000000000"
Charles asks his dad, the phycisist, and he responds: "Well, it is about pi on a zeroth order calculation"
Finally, Danna ask his dad, who is an accountant: "Dad, how much is 2 + 2?" And he responds: "How much do you want it to be?"
Actually, the engineer whould say that it's about 5, but numbers aren't available that low, and we need to account for safety, so let's make it 10. Either that or 2+2=5 for extremely large values of 2.