Direct China-Taiwan flights begin
Finally, Direct China-Taiwan flights begin!
From BBC news.
The first regular direct flight from mainland China to Taiwan for nearly 60 years has landed at Taipei's airport.
Ties between Taipei and Beijing have improved since Taiwan elected a new President, Ma Ying-jeou, in May. China considers Taiwan a breakaway province and in the past has threatened force to reunite it with the mainland.
The China Southern Airlines flight, from the southern city of Guangzhou, is the first of 36 flights to be launched this weekend. It carried around 250 passengers, including 100 tourists from the mainland, and was met with a traditional lion dance and a water sprinkling ceremony.
The first arrivals are among more than 600 Chinese tourists travelling to Taiwan on week-long package trips. They are all being given the red carpet treatment, with special receptions, dinners and entertainment programmes.
While many Taiwanese are excited by the expected influx of Chinese tourists, others are more wary - citing concerns about rude behaviour, cheap spending habits and the potential for political disputes, says the BBC's Caroline Gluck in Taipei.
(------ erm this line does not sound right. Are you stereotyping the people from China? But frankly speaking, based on my experiences with the Chinese, this statement does hold true meaning to certain extent.)
The weekend passenger flights will begin on 4 July and there will be 36 flights each week, with China and Taiwan operating 18 flights each.