ok. i cant believe 1 thing..
if i were to tell this to simone, she is sure to scream at me!!
Either that she will give me the 'huh' look..
Guess what? I havent finished watching Hana Kimi show!!!!! haha. Ever since i start work, i have stopped watching the show totally!! I cant even remember where the shoe stopped lo.
Not that i am very busy, (just not free only), is that I am very lazy to on my computer most of the time.. You must know my youtube takes time to load. Plus, i have to wait for my siblings to sleep first then i use..
I dont want to explain why..
Well, tomorrow i am going to meet my crescent gang for the second time after we got separated after sec2!!!!! Our very own 4 seasons gang.
Spring Summer Autumn Winter..
For the first time, we are going to sing kbox together!!
Sigh, i hope my throat is ok tmr.
There is someone i dont want to see
Because it hurts me.
But in my heart
I would very much love to.
I saw him there
Just beside me.
But i spoke nothing, we in fact.
Let alone looking at him.
I thought.
I knew we could be friends still,
But i was more introvert as ever.
In my heart
I hope he would sense it.
And i doing this on purpose?
No. Still I want him to care about me.
Like before.
Dear dear
Just forget about it.
He didnt do me wrong
Why cant I just forget?
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
List of new discoveries abt airport
After working in the airport for like a month already, here are some of the weird, funny, not-very-known things and facts i discover..1. Next time if u are travelling overseas, go pretend to be disable. Like limp abit here and there. Go request for a wheelchair.. It's absolutely FREE!!!!!!!!!
2. OUr rival, malaysia airlines, has a clear record!!! Even singapore airlines and places like Zurich have aircarft acident before.. Sigh, why like that.. Singapore must win them!!!
3. Kampong people loves to bring plastic bags..MANY MANY many plastic bags.. Well they are rather smart actually. They dont have and cant pay for excess baggages.
Let me give you a tip, if you want to save money on excess baggage, do not bring it with you when you check-in. Just leave them aside with someone else.
Then when you go for boarding, bring it along.. They will tag ur bag on the spot and once again, it TOTALLY FREE...
Either that, you bring more plastic bags lor..
4. I realise certain pessengers that is nearby singapore (you-know-where), is very troublesome.
At first they wont show up at the gate.
But when the gate is closing, all will turn up and the poor me has to do things superly fast..
5. People from which aaron comes from.. They like to ask the obvious.
They can ask you which is the gate, when they are already standing in front of it..
If one comes to ask you anything, all the others will come.
6. There are some passengers who will suddenly kneel down on the floor with a big group and pray to allah, or to which ever god they believe in..
Well, ... ... it can be shocking la. But this is the way it is.
7. Recently, 2 major incident happened.
--- Bollywood movie pop star couples were going to board aircraft but the flight was
delayed. So my frens who are doing that flight and some other busybody people
were inside the gate woth them for more than an hour.. Well i heard they look good.
--- An 88 yr od man died on the plane. Peacefully i think..haha can be a good thing cos he is like so near to heaven.. Bless him..
8. People like to complain.
9. Japanese and Australian passengers were so far the most polite people around. You smile at them, they greet you back. You made a small mistake, they just laugh about like and forgive you..
10. I am taller than some air stewardess..
11. The chief stewardess is now my idol.. I simply love the way they talk and smile. So firm yet heart-warming..
12. The job of cabin crew is tough, though they earn alot. After workiing woth them , i think they deserve to earn that much..
Like for air stewardess, the just have to be everything. A nurse, a love consultant, a waitress, an admin girl, an usher, a model, a newspaper delivery girl, a bellboy and also one who smile hell alot..
If you are on a continuous flight for like 3 - 4 days, you only get a day rest.. 5 days like that, u get 2 days rest. Mind you..they have no way they can clouch or sit or sleep on the plane..Can even rub their eyes cos they have make-ups on..
Well, what will you do if a passenger suddenly dies?
I have met a person who just went unconscious because something heavy fell onto her head.
Not an easy job lor..
many ppl dont like the job actually..
13. I think we seriously need a doctor on every flight.
14. I once told a person from england that i live on 11th floor...
She almost shouted "wow".. To her, it's like the highest floor anyone could stay..
She also ask me how big is singapore..In my head, i was think if i shld change the word 'big' to
15. Lastly for now, I am being told like for the 6th time that i dont look like singaporean. Thanks, cos i dont want to look like one.. haha.. They said i look like korean, japanese or taiwanese..
I wish i really do..
Got to work tomorrow. Have to wake up at 230am again.
Yeah, kbox on tuesday!!!!!!
I cant wait to see dear and gang!!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
limited edition
hey!! check this out?Limited edition tortoise...
It's suppose to be a boy, but dont know how that pink bow ends up on his head..
I swear i didnt do this..
Just happened to find it in the stall.
Obviously en error, but i tot it would be sweet if i bought it.

Well in actual fact, i bought this like 3months ago. haha..
I got another girl one for my dear girlfriend..
Cute right??
ok, today i went out with jan and caught up with her quite alot.
I just realise how unpleasant it is to be left out from an outing for a moment..
Maybe they tot i was working, so didnt call me along.
Ok. Let me assume it to be like that..
haha jan actually bought a metal and flowery thingy for over hundred bucks!!
It's nice, really.. But for that amount of money. i have to think over hundred times man.
if u weree to let me pick up 200 bucks on the floor, maybe i'll buy it.
==== shing off to sleep.. +++++========
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Work again
It has been long since i last blog. Have to dust my blog first ah..hehe
Well, I have finished my training and just started work. Official start of work.
Haha in the other words,
It means more MONEY is coming in!!
So far everything is ok.
Getting scolded by officier is part and parcel of work, esp when you are new at work.
1 terrible mistake tat i made is...
I actually fell asleep and missed one flight that i was supposed to do!!
MY My..
By the time i woke up, It's like 10mins to departure of the flight already!!
I got scolded obviously and was told to see my officier after that.
Luckily enough, i did flight with my officier before and he knows my character.
He knows that I am always punctual for my flights but just that this time round is exceptional.
That's how I survived.
My officier is actually quite a nice guy..He looks fierce when he not smiling, but when he smiles ah,
Oh man.. So charming lah!! Too bad he is married le.
Too charming for his age le.
It has been long since i last blog. Have to dust my blog first ah..hehe
Well, I have finished my training and just started work. Official start of work.
Haha in the other words,
It means more MONEY is coming in!!
So far everything is ok.
Getting scolded by officier is part and parcel of work, esp when you are new at work.
1 terrible mistake tat i made is...
I actually fell asleep and missed one flight that i was supposed to do!!
MY My..
By the time i woke up, It's like 10mins to departure of the flight already!!
I got scolded obviously and was told to see my officier after that.
Luckily enough, i did flight with my officier before and he knows my character.
He knows that I am always punctual for my flights but just that this time round is exceptional.
That's how I survived.
My officier is actually quite a nice guy..He looks fierce when he not smiling, but when he smiles ah,
Oh man.. So charming lah!! Too bad he is married le.
Too charming for his age le.
Other than that, so far so good. Most people are nice..
And i strongly Highlight the word MOST>...
These are the photos i took on out last day (not really the last day cos we celebrate early) of our lesson. Something like a graduation party in class..
Trainer and the class monitress!!
Oh, did i mention that my trainer is a prefessional singer? She work part-time as a singer at many places lo. Got hundreds and thousand of fans le.. haha
Zarina sings really very well..She sang for us live in class..Sweet!! Power!!
Yesterday I met a guy at work. Quite cute leh.. He looks like he just start work only..
Nowadays got so many new people coming in and out and I have heard so many rumours about people getting terminated and everything.
haha of course got more and more cute guys around lor..Not bad ah.
I really glad I quiited my admin job lor. That one ah, only got 6 people in a company!!
And ALL girls somemore.
Even though got 1 or 2 guys, they are already classified as 'UNCLE' liao..
Even their hairs are gone le lo.. hehe
I miss my dear..
I miss going out.. I want to go shopping, , go kbox..
Awaiting for my first pay..
Sigh, i have to wait for 2 months for my first pay cos first month is training. So they say have to wait for the next working month before we get out money..
Luckily i got abit of savings..
And luckily i just received my monet for tuition..
haah that tuition boy called wenlin, looks so much like my brother when he was younger and fairer. Even my mum thinks so..too lor..