Start of work..
Well, nothing much to blog about recently.
Or rather i should say, too lazy to blog..
I am starting work next week. Though it's rather lowly paid, but I am excited about it.
What I am afraid is the 1 year contract that I signed..
Even though there's no penalty if i backed out after 6 months, which is in aug,
i am still scared..
If job is superly nice, I might even think of delaying my studies to another year.
Sigh, studying is getting more and more boring to me now..
oh well..
Hee, at least for now, I can show off my airport pass to everyone!! I just got it yesterday lo.
Having the airport pass means that I can access all the areas in the airport, after the check-in area freely!! Cool huh..
I just felt a strong sense of accomplishment after passing 2 rounds of interviews. One of them being an one-to-one interview, and the other is the group interview..
Not easy leh.
At least for now, I have made a few friends even before I start work.
But you know what, some of them are younger then me!!
Sigh, why didnt i got to work when i was in secondary school? well, except for the job attachments in childcare centre..
I have friends who are much younger, (prettier) and also have alot alot of work experience.
And they dont depend on their parents for money!!
They look lian and beng, but are independent.
Dont judge a book by it's cover!!
Sigh, I feel so lousy..
So next time if you see those youngsters on the streets, so young, but put make-ups and wear nice clothes and u think they are super bimbo-ish and stuffs like that,
Those might come from their hard-earned money lor..
Don't believe, go to bugis street and walk into the stalls, selling clothes and bags.
I bet u, many of them are younger than you and I.
haha maybe u can even spot my frens there too!
And believe me, those fren of mine are good-natured people and this is not the only job they have done lor..
Young, but independent, and also good sales person.
Buck up, shing!!
This is a photo of a fren I knew for only an hour only, or even lesser.She and her mum (not in picture) are from taiwan and they got lost in the airport, so i showed them the way to mrt. They say to treat me a meal if I ever go taiwan one day..
haah I would love to see them again!!
Nice people.
And her mum studied in US before lor..
Cute hor??
The marine..
JOHN CENA !! A cool dude..I just love him..
John Cena in the Marine
Pity that singapore doesn't show this movie. Maaybe it was really good, but just john cena himself will make the movie go wow!!
Can't wait to watch the whole movie..
Anyone happens to have the DVD?
1st concert in Year 2007
Well, i am too lazy (Pig year coming..) and too busy to even blog about a big event i went to last week.
I went to NUS cultural centre to watch this concert cum competition, called Chinese Singing and song writing competition.
The judges are all 'dua pai' and the hosts were from 100.3FM.
The guests were of course no small figures too.
Other than the rock band and the female singer from VI music called michelle,
you-know-who also performed a few songs.
Pity he didnt performed jay's songs.. and pity he didnt bring along his guitar.
I thought he would bring his guitar along because the concert is all live performance.
But nevertheless, he sang well and full of 'feel'!!!
My hands just couldnt stablelise when he came out lor..
I just could help laughing at the part when we screamed for him in the midst of an interview with another singer..

Sigh.. I am missing class outing again!
Please.. next time, not on saturday and tuesday can?? i just miss 3T19..