Tarts for sale!!
Hi.. My tarts are selling fast.
The price is now at 30 for S$10. Careful I raise the price to S$12 later..It comes with CNY bag and a nice box, so it's perfect for a gift for your relatives and friends.
While stock last..
My last day of work..
Well, i quitted my job last Thursday, after mere 4 days of work.
I didnt want to sign the contract.
The contract was really demanding. Well, i couldnt write the exact words here, but this is roughly what it says in the last paragraph of the contract:
"Once no longer an employee in the company, I am not allowed to work in any companies that uses _____ (our) software."
Note that this software is almost essential in all firms and for most businesses to carry out.
And note that the contract did not state I couldnt work in those companies within how many years after I leave my job.
What if it's for a life-time?
Well, that's a bad thing for being an admin who does all the confidential documents.
Either you stay there a life-time, or you quit.
For me, i quit.
My friends are quite supportive of me doing it. And i think i did the right thing.
One thing I am very happy is that I made great friends there. Thanks for making my time there really fun. It was indeed fun when the boss isnt around. shhh..
Well, these are some of the pictures I had taken on that day after I sent off my collegues home.
haha I must say this place has many interesting places to see, to go and esp, TO EAT!!

Bye UBS..

Places around this street are interesting..

Like for example, you'll buses from mediacorp, like this one from DANCE.. There are celebrities in it. Wonder why they come there for.. Film me? Nah..

Oh, so this is where RAIN and his crew came to eat just few days ago. (the newspaper reported it.) This restaurant is just beside my office lor!! How come I didnt see him?!?!?! I went in to see the restaurant with WJ. The food are not super expensive, at least for rain himself, but definitely not cheap either. At least S$20 per meal.. I just love the strong korean food smell when I walked into the restaurant. The kimchi smell.. Hmm pity there are no photos of Rain displayed. haha..
Eh, chinese new year or halloween ah? Fusion between the West and the East? I saw this outside a shop around my office area too.
haha Just as I quit the job, I got a call for another job interview i applied for 1 month ago. Well, that's a pretty good news for me.
Quitting a job isnt that bad afterall. haha..
Big news, big waves!!
This news caught my eyes this morning, immediately when bbc page loaded on my PC.
(The photos are from bbc.co.uk )
The weather really hasn't been good nowadays.
Which reminds me of the show 'The day after tomorrow'.
Will the world ever be like that?
Possible i would say.
hmm but maybe I won't live to see the world coming to an end,
but I suppose the end will come sooner than predicted.
Singapore is just an island, just a dot.
Don't you think it'll be covered by the water more easily?
Huge waves pound the port of Wimereux, northern France
Look at her hair!!
Labels: Big wind blow..
Goodies, anyone?
Hi, I've made pineapple tarts for sale, in conjunction with the upcoming Chinese New Year!!
I am opening the sales of a box of 32 tarts to all my friends.
Special price going for S$10 only!!
( usual price is S$12 )
Well, it's not easy to find such a price for home-made tarts outside.
haha. They taste pretty good, i would say.
Freshly baked too.
This is the one for you if you like crispy yet soft crust and not-so-sweet-yet-sweet fillings.
You can even give it to your relatives or friends.
It comes with a free CNY bag for every purchase, specially to my friends only.
Please tag me or sms if you would like to buy from me ya?
Free delivery. (only in Singapore).

How? Now?
Still no job found.. My previous job? Don't know when are the shops even ready to operate. Hopefully i can get a good-paying job before they got to me.
My expectations not very high ma, why is it so hard to find.
I even gave in to admin job lor..
Slowly find, that's what many people say.
But do you know how much i need money now?
Not that i am money-minded.
But i am already digging coins from a 101% filled small little piggy bank that i have kept for many years. Well, i saved those coins ever since I was in Primary school, but never want to put them in the bank or use it cos i just want it to stay full.
But now i am desperate.
But i am glad things got better just now while i was typing this.
Just better. Doesnt mean good or anything.
For now, i shall look forward to going out with dear this sunday.. And shall shop for someone's birthday present. Quite reluctant to buy, but it is my habit to not forget someone's birthday, esp those close to me.
Sigh, what's happening to my stomach? I got stomach gastric again lor..
Though just a mild one, but i got 'kong ju gan' ever since the previous attack le.
Oh no, do i have stomach cancer?
haha, do u think i'll scare myself like that?
A BIG Feast at Sakae
Today is great.. But there's one thing i should appologize to my dear, is my dear should see this.
Sorry, i went for sushi buffet first, when i am suppose to go with you?
Another day can?
I had sushi dinner buffet today and spent $25 bucks. Oh no.. i am going to feel guilty again!!!
Me, cheryl and winnie finally meet up today, after such long years.
I sometimes wondered how come we are so close, though we hardly even talk or hang out back in crescent. We were from different clicks and sat rather far away.. haha..
But MUSIC bonded us still..
Well, we ate really full and very satisfied. haah i think i can last till lunch tmr..No kidding.
Judging from the number of plates, it;s not alot actually. But don't forget the udons and desserts! Just one more sushi or a drop of tea will make me throw out le.. hee, i even secretly kept one sushi in my bad cos there is no way i can pu tit in my stomach anymore..
hmmm one interesting thing to note for the day..
Winnie's dear love life.. EXPOSED. well not totally, thanks to me, cheryl cant get to hear the last part. haha but dont worry, there'll be a part 2 when we meet next time ya? Oh when you guys going back, please tell me k? I might be able to join you all..
Oh no the romeo song is still stuck in my head!! But i am not shaking it off. Simply too nice.
Now for the pics we took..Hee and some credits to the staff we helped us took the photos too! Pai sei...

I am really proud of this shot..Pretty artistic huh?

STRAWBERRY SMILE!!! haha it's a smile indeed. It made me laugh non stop..Trust me, big mouth can be good, then you wont have problem eating this in 1 whole..

I'm trying to follow their way of taking photos.. haha can pass la hor?

Winnie, cheryl and me..
Hope to see you guys soon..i shall wait for winnie to have her 3 months holiday in Feb!!
Meanwhile.. i'm hoping to get a call from my boss.
First unintended art piece of year 2007..
Hi, i was supposed to be re-painting my clay figury doraemon (which i painted on cruise almost exactly 10 years ago, horribly) yesterday.
But sadly, i did not have the right shade of blue.
The most useful paints i have are only a bottle of light blue and a tube of black of different brands.
Too, sadly, i cant seem to get the right shade!!
And surprisingly, it turned out to look a little like dark green or green-blue.
So then i've decided to scribble (do i say scibble for a paint brush??) some rubbish,
since that unwanted colour that i've mixed is quite a bit.
No wasting..
So this is what i have done with only a bottle and a tube of paints. Within 10 min, and i threw it away within 5 mins after i've completed it..
Though quite embarrassed to show to others, but i still find it funny..
But no laughing out loud.
My first attempt k?
Look, i told u this colour cannot be used on doraemon, isnt it? My blue-black painting..I wondered how i even think of this kind of thing to draw..
And finally,
thanks simone for going to k box with me. It was really fun. haha how about we go hit an album and try selling it? Since we are both still jobless.
Nah, bad idea..But have potential girl band, maybe?
New year resolution?
And who says dreaming is bad.. haha..