happy new year!!

me with my grandmother.. the superstar of the day.
cutting the cake..
Today is my grandmother's 80th birthday and we had a wonderful celebration at a restaurant, the greatest one ever.
We invited her siblings and relatives from Malaysia as well.
The celebrations started with a video on touch, which i'm suppose to do, then followed by food.
The food was ok,
but it'll be better with LESSER mushrooms..
Almost every other dish has at least 20 stalks of mushrooms. haha.
Not fogetting the 'buddha jump over the wall".
hmmm maybe i'm not used to good food,
or maybe i just dont know how to appreciate those super expensive dishes,
but i think that dish make me sick.
I almost want to stop eating after that dish, which is only the second course on the menu..
hehe maybe it's the mushrooms fault again.
I cant waste food either.. so what can i do?
I think the best part of the day is seeing family members and relatives from many different places all come together..
Be it talking to each other, toasting drinks, taking photos with the superstar of the day (grandmother), playing with the babies around, eating together..
I think today's event really bond us together and make me realise how precious life is and also how important is it for us to foster family bonds.
Happy birthday to grandmother again!!
sang eyak di gor...
i look forward to having 90th birthday celebrations..
Well, actually,
my grandmother doesnt even have a birth date.
She has, of course,
but she doesnt know when was it as she has no birth cert.
Quite pitiful hor?
But i'm glad we still make an effort to celebrate every year near christmas day,
where most people are free..
== KTV today with my cousins ffor the countdown.
My first ever outing with all the cousins. (i'm the youngest there..)
14 people (including 3 couples-married),
in a VIP room,
4 hours,
spending a total of $474 sing dollars.
474 bucks!!
I'm not sure if this is alot to them cos more than half of them are already working.
But to me,
there're a whole lot of things i can do with that amount lah!!
474 on KTV..
Well, of course..
They ordered 6 jars of beer, near 14 drinks, fruits, snacks ...
hehe my cousins are smart,
they demanded firmly for 14 KTV coupons, when we were only given a few initially.
And more free mugs,
and more sam-soon huggies bears..
Which i took home one.. haha..
Today was fun la.
Happy new year to everyone once again..
Good night T19.
Good night po po..
Good night to my family..
good night dear..
Have a great 2007!
this is art..
Well, i've been training for this for the past one or two weeks.
Some told me it's not worth my time to learn cos i'm not even paid.
But does it mean i should quit now?
Should i give up and go look for an office work that can give me more money?
Should i?
Now that i have a little situation here..
All these while,
I kept telling myself not to go for money, but the experience n what i can learn from it..
Process is more impt than the end product..
I kept insisting on following this principle.
But some say this is not worth it.
Should i stick to it?
Now that i really need money..
Oh well,
though i havent start work,
i have a feeling that i'll enjoy my work.
since i even enjoyed the training process.
Maybe i should look out for other jobs too..
Dont know why i have such a hard time finding one, while others do it so easily..
These are 2 of my nails that i did.
There's one that i love it alot, but too bad i didnt take a photo of it then.
I never like having fancy nails,
but i just like doing for others,
and seeing them smile when i finished their nails..
Such satisfaction.

.... ------ ==== ....

Not very perfect. I have more to learn still..
As for the Xmas party on sat, jac has yet to send me the photos.. please send me soon k? meanwhile, i only have these..

The little JJ... JR! the champion..
Wo shi ying xiong!!

The champions photo..

Friends and me
And thanks for the cookies too! i had alot of fun with you two..
busy busy
woah..i am so busy nowadays that i'm hardly even at home.
Busy yet happy..
Anything can be better than A levels lor..
Now, there's a million things i want to do in my life now!!
I would have to sort it out later..
Too many things cramp together le.
But first, i need to get a job, get money first.
If not, spending so much money will only make me guilty n feel sorry to my family..
Cos, you know what happens lah..
Life is tough.
I havent got any fish n seafood in my meals these few weeks..
Not that i complain that i'm eating maggie mee every other day,
but i just hope that we'll have a better life lor.
we dont need to eat abalone everyday,
just just hope for one or two more new clothes and also proper meals..
oh well,
i hope for the better..
We will live for the better..
That's my aim.
Poor, but happy.
Now for the million things i want to do..
Let me list the top few things..
1. Send christmas Cards
2. Go mich house to bake cookies
3. Bake a christmas cake
4. Time for my Japanese prince dolls
5. Shop for christmas present for family n friends
6. Paint my house
7. Get job(s)
8. Tidy my table
9. Do a video on touch for my grandmother's 80th birthday
10. Jogging..(sigh. when can i find back my JC1 momemtum?!!? lost it.)
11. Hang out with dear and gang.
12. Sushi buffet
13. Treat my brother movie.
14. Waiting for 'the marine'
15. Looking for the show ' Prison Break"
16. Housework. (my mum needs a break too..)
17. Not sleep on my sofa!!
18. Class outing
19. Ice-skating
20. Cut my hair
21. Study (not A levels lah!)
These are the things i need to do asap.
So many things,
but i wont complain there's too little time.
Cos it's fair that everyone has 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
isnt it?
Life is so exciting after A levels.
Not that i've worked very hard, but a least i can do things without much worries now.
i'm already expecting 'BCC" for my As le.
No worries..
Please, can you talk to me now?