hi.. i am trying hard to mug nowadays.
Do not disturb.
hai.. i am dying to go to the
Global Chinese Music Awards tomorrow!!
Like how many years will hit singapore once lor..
It'll be great to see how wei lian perform and wow the overseas artiste when he sings and shows his power tommorow.
Jia you to him!!
Good luck to myself too!!
Yea! i finally bought the SHE cd that i have been eyeing on for such a long time le..
It's really great!
The poster is the best i have ever gotten too!!
And i believe it'll continue to be my best poster.
Even the quality of the paper is superb lor!!
cant blog le.
Have to study..
To all those people who are feeling stressed about exam,
Just a word for you--
It's not worth that much to stress about.
Just do your best.
All the best to myself and everyone going through the A level period.
wl 25 birthday party 2006
Happy birthday to US!!
Like you said during the party on Sunday,
" I hope to spend the next birthday and the next and the next next birthday with you all.. "
May you keep your promise ya..
Funny la, someone said this,
" we'll get ready our air tickets anytime. Anytime at all.."
Well, 1st of October is a special day every year.
It is the day of birth of Singapore's very own super boy..
happy birthday again to you, if you are reading this.
I would say the birthday was a success,
despite the fact that last year's more fun.
The party started with food.
haha i'm serious..
Buffet. The food is marvellous!! But i ate little bit only la.
oh you guys should try the dory fish and the creamy potato..
and the chicken salad..
and the sushi..
Dam nice. haha.
We then played games.
Like those bonding games lor.
I am in BLUE team!!
yay! blue last yr and blue this yr..
Suppose to have 5 colours only, then we added one more.
The black team!!
Guess who are inside?
Weilian Jason Chongqing Edwin and friends..
Haha but we added up helping them to win lor..
1 is Deejay, the other 3 are all music ppl.
Guessing the song title sure no kid de lor.
But my team won la..
++ hehe blue is the Lucky colour for us ++
Next is the karaoke Contest.
The judges were obviously them lo..
haha they all so funny la.
Quan bu jiang hua dou hen li hai lor.
somemore got one chongqing and our ever- bubbly host,
talk and talk non stop..
This is just like the mini-Singapore Idol.
Jason tried to imitate that female judge lo.
i managed to get that part recorded down. shall upload next time.
wl was very cute when he was watching the performances.
Especially when the contestants sang his slow songs like chu mo..
I guess guys are most suai when they are very attentive..
Too bad cant take photos,,
if not from my angle, cute la..
I was sitting like one seat away from him lor..
Well, the seminar room isn;t very big la.. got aircon. hahah..
Then, The highlights for the day..
Our very own xiao angel sang 'tong hua' to wl!!
She is only 5 years old lor..
And wl knows her cos during superstar finals, she was the one who walked up the stage with him.
Lucky girl isn't she?
And wl sand duet with her lor.. Lucky sia.. haha..
Then wl made one funny comment:
" I know u so long, but never hear you talk before leh.."
Then you know he cant see her right,
and she dont respond,
so he kept saying "hello? hello?"
Lastly, we sang Birthday song to him..
Well he didnt cry this year.. haha.
The cake was great! But i cant eat la. No appetite at all..
Don't know why.
We announced the karaoke winner and gane out trophies.
haha the funniest thing he said was:
" Win this competition is better than winning superstar competition lor. At least they got trouphies and present, i don't even have one Trophy.. Not fair de lor.. haha"
Cute la.
Well i gave him my present. really hope he likes it..
But sad thing is that everyone can talk to him for hardly a sentence..
Shall tell him next time..
I SPENT 48 hours to make de lor...
really hope he'll appreciate,,
Jason singing improve alot leh.
I realise.. must be gettin lots of tips from the superstar lor..
He got into PSS 2 right? Shall support him!!
Too many things to fill in a page le.
Got to study..
Heere are some pictures.. hmm don't pass them around hor.
I'm not even suppose to post these pictures de. That's why i edited them..
Cos of certain reasons la.
Last but not least,
i would like to thank all those who have helped to make this party a success.. See you all next year!!
Happy birthday to weilian and myself once again..
All the best.
May next year be a much better year for all of us..

+++ -- - You are an Angel.. ++