Monday, May 07, 2007

Sick people everywhere

Mind you, the sick i am refering to, is the normal kind of sick.
The kind of sick which invloves white blood cells and more platelets, blood and money..

Recently, I have known so many people falling ill.
Ill, not just common flu and headahes or stomachache,
but ill to the extend of hopitalize..

firstly, my friend cum collegue's grandma.
According to sharon, her grandma is in hospital and her situation is very serious.
Unconscious, i think..
Hope she gets well and sharon back to work real soon!!

Secondly, my same age cousin just had high fever yesterday. No amount of panadol is helping him to get well..
Oh dear..

Now, my very own grandmother, whom i called 'po po'.. She lives just opposite of mine.
Yesterday went i got home, she was at my house and many of her children were here to see her..
Yesterday, my mum and uncle (grandma's so-called eldest son) brought her to hospital because she is very weak and kept saying got back ache and could hardly stand by herself..

Dam to singapore general hospital,
they said no more beds for my grandmother!!!!! Please come back tomorrow to get admitted.
My my,,
Can like that one meh?? My popo can hardly walk leh.. And you know how far is the journey not?

Well, what exactly happens is that my popo, according to the doctor, has not enough blood and thus have to get blood donors to give her more blood every now and then.

Good news is that, the doctor said her heart is still very strong, maybe even stronger than you and me here.. And her blood type is O. So not much problem in getting blood for her.

Yesterday at my house, I saw her so fail and still not eating much cos no appetite..
When she walked, se sometimes seems like she is going to fall backwards.
She usually dont slouch when she sits on the sofa, but yesterday, for the first time, she rested her head on her fists..
Her eyes can hardly see the television.
This morning, my mother even had to bathe her..

My heart aches..

She suffered so much for more than half of her life for the family..
She received ZERO education because her mom thought that girls shoudl stay at home and do housework instead.
Popo repeated a million times to me that her mum is unfair in not letting her to go to school, and I am very lucky to go school.

I know and I am grateful for that.

Many a times I told popo I am going to teach her how to write alhapabets and numbers, but she just say she is too old to learn and decline, again and again..
No choice..

I am always scared that she is lonely,
so whenever she comes over my house to stay overnight, I would talk to her, in my broken hakka..
She doesnt speak mandarin nor english nor malay..
She cant read or write..
There are no fields here for to plant or grow plants and flowers..
I just listened to her..

Her life is tough..
She had many many kids..
The eldest, ran away from home..And even my mum has no impression of him at all..
One or two of them, died of diseases..
One or two of them, She gave them away because no money to raise them up.
Mu mum said she saw her cried at night before..

How many people experienced world war 2?
My grandmother did!! And my grandfather also died in it.. But he is smart to escape the japanese..

My heart really aches now..
Believe it or not,
I am crying now:)

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To people,
Please feel fortunate..
Forget about getting new clothes and being pretty and handsome.
Be satisfied!!


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